New Vaccine Platforms (viral vectors; mRNA-LNPs)
Kumar P, Wang M, Kumru OS, Hickey JM, Sanmiguel J, Zabaleta N, Vandenberghe LH, Joshi SB, Volkin DB. "Correlating physicochemical and biological properties to define critical quality attributes of a rAAV vaccine candidate" Molecular Therapy-Methods & Clinical Development 30: 103-121 (2023)
Hickey JM, Jacob SI, Tait AS, Vahid FD, Barritt J, Rouse S, Douglas A, Joshi SB, Volkin DB, Bracewell DG “Measurement of adenovirus-based vector heterogeneity” J. Pharm Sci 112(4):974-984 (2023)
Blenke, EO, Ornskov E, Schoneich C, Nilsson GA, Volkin DB, Mastrobattista E, Almarsson O, Crommelin DJA. "The storage and in-use stability of mRNA Vaccines and Therapeutics: Not a cold case" J. Pharm Sci.112(2):386-403 (2023)
Gupta V, Antunez LR, Saleh-Birdjandi S, Kumru OS, Pospisil R, Lilja A, Fuhrmann G, Smith L, Volkin DB, Joshi SB. “Development of a high-throughput RT-PCR based viral infectivity assay for monitoring the stability of a replicating recombinant Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis viral vector” J Virol Methods 301:114449 (2022)
Crommelin DJA, Volkin DB, Hoogendoorn KH, Lubiniecki AS, Jiskoot W. “The science is there: key considerations for stabilizing viral vector-based Covid-19 vaccines” J. Pharm Sci. 110(2):627-34 (2020)
Crommelin DJA, Anchordoquy TJ, Volkin DB, Jiskoot W, Mastrobattista E. “Addressing the cold reality of mRNA vaccine stability” J. Pharm Sci. 110(3):997-1001 (2020)
Kumru OS, Saleh-Birdjandi S, Antunez LR, Sayeed E, Robinson D, van den Worm S, Diemer GS, Perez W, Caposio P, Früh K, Joshi SB, Volkin DB “Stabilization and formulation of a recombinant Human Cytomegalovirus vector for use as a candidate HIV-1 vaccine” J. Pharm Sci. 37(44):6696-6706 (2019)