Recombinant Protein Antigens and Adjuvants

Rodriguez‐Aponte SA, Naranjo CA, Johnston RS, Dalvie NC, Crowell LE, Bajoria S, Kumru OS, Joshi SB, Volkin DB, Love JC. "Minimal purification method enables developability assessment of recombinant proteins" Biotechnology and Bioengineering 15, 4, (60-65), (2024).

Caringal, Ria T., Hickey JM, Sharma N, Jerajani K, Bewaji O, Brendle S, Christensen N, Batwal S, Mahedvi M, Rao H, Dogar V, Chandrasekharan R, Shaligram U, Joshi SB, Volkin DB.  "A combined LC-MS and immunoassay approach to characterize preservative-induced destabilization of human papillomavirus virus-like particles adsorbed to an aluminum-salt adjuvant" Vaccines, In Press (2024)

Jerajani K, Wan Y, Hickey JM, Kumru OS, Sharma N, Pullagurla SR, Ogun O, Mapari S, Whitaker N, Brendle S, Christensen ND, Batwal S, Mahedvi M, Rao H, Dogar V, Chandrasekharan R, Shaligram U, Joshi SB, Volkin DBAnalytical and preformulation characterization studies of human papillomavirus virus-like particles to enable quadrivalent multi- dose vaccine formulation development J. Pharm Sci. 111(11):2983-2997 (2022)

Jerajani K, Wan Y, Kumru OS, Pullagurla SP, Kumar P, Sharma N, Ogun O, Mapari S, Brendle S, Christensen ND, Batwal S, Mahedvi M, Rao H, Dogar V, Chandrasekharan R, Shaligram U, Joshi SB, Volkin DB “Multi-Dose Formulation Development for a Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Virus-Like Particle-Based Vaccine: Part I - Screening of Preservative Combinations J.Pharm Sci 112(2):446-457 (2023)

Sharma N, Jerajani K, Wan Y, Kumru OS, Pullagurla SP, Ogun O, Mapari S, Brendle S, Christensen ND, Batwal S, Mahedvi M, Rao H, Dogar V, Chandrasekharan R, Shaligram U, Joshi SB, Volkin DB “Multi-Dose Formulation Development for a Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Virus-Like Particle-Based Vaccine: Part II - Real-time and accelerated stability studies J.Pharm Sci 112(2):458-470 (2023)

Kumru OS, Sanyal M, Friedland N, Hickey J, Joshi R, Weidenbacher P, Do J, Cheng YC, Kim PS, Joshi SB, Volkin DB. "Formulation development and comparability studies with an aluminum-salt adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 spike ferritin nanoparticle vaccine antigen produced from two different cell linesVaccine 41: 6502-6513 (2023)

Weidenbacher PA, Sanyal M, Friedland N, Tang S, Arunachalam PS, Hu M, Kumru OS, Morris MK, Fontenot J, Shirreff L, Do J, Cheng YC, Vasudevan G, Feinberg MB, Villinger FJ, Hanson C, Joshi SB, Volkin DB, Pulendran B, Kim PS. “A ferritin-based COVID-19 nanoparticle vaccine that elicits robust, durable, broad-spectrum neutralizing antisera in non-human primatesNature 14: 2149 (2023)

Kumru OS, Bajoria S, Kaur K, Hickey JM, Van Slyke G, Doering J, Berman K, Richardson C, Lien H, Kleanthous H, Mantis NJ, Joshi SB, Volkin DB. “Effects of aluminum-salt, CpG and emulsion adjuvants on the stability and immunogenicity of a virus-like particle displaying the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD)Hum VaccinImmunother 19(2):2264594 (2023)

Bajoria S, Kumru OS, Doering J, Berman K, Slyke GV, Prigodich A, Rodriguez-Aponte SA, Kleanthous H, Love JC, Mantis NJ, Joshi SB and Volkin DB. “Nanoalum Formulations Containing Aluminum Hydroxide and Cpg 1018 TM Adjuvants: The Effect on Stability and Immunogen-Icity of a Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Rbd AntigenVaccines 11(6)1030 (2023)

Bajoria S., Kaur K., Kumru, OS., Van Slyke G., Doering J., Novak H., Rodriguez-Aponte SA., Dalvie NC., Naranjo CA., Johnston RS. and Maxwell Silverman J., Kleanthous H., Love JC., Mantis NJ, Joshi SB, Volkin DB. "Antigen-adjuvant interactions, stability, and immunogenicity profiles of a SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD) antigen formulated with aluminum salt and CpG adjuvants" Hum Vaccin Immunother  VOL. 18, NO. 5 Published online June 6 (2022)

Sawant N, Joshi SB, Weis DD, Volkin DB. “Interaction of aluminum-adjuvanted recombinant p[4] protein antigen with preservatives: storage stability and backbone flexibility studiesJ. Pharm Sci 111(4):970-981 (2022)

Sawant N, Kaur K, Holland D, Hickey JM, Agarwal S, Brady J, Dalvie N, Tracey M, Velez-Suberbie L, Morris S, Shaleem J, Bracewell D, Mukhopadhyay T. Love K, Love J, Joshi SB, Volkin DB “ Rapid developability assessments to formulate recombinant protein antigens as stable, low-cost, multi-dose vaccine candidates: Case-study with non-replicating rotavirus (NRRV) vaccine antigensJ. Pharm Sci. 110(3):1042-1053 (2021)

Kaur K, Holland D, Sawant N, Agarwal S, Hickey J, Holland D, Mukhopadhyay T, Brady J, Dalvie N, Tracey M, Love K, Love J, , Joshi SB, Volkin DB “Mechanism of thimerosal-induced structural destabilization of a recombinant rotavirus P[4] protein antigen for a multi-dose vaccine J. Pharm Sci 110(3):1054-1066 (2021)

McAdams D, Estrada M, Holland D, Singh J, Sawant N, Hickey JM, Kumar P, Plikaytis B, Joshi SB, Volkin DB, Sitrin R, Cryz S, White JA. "Concordance of in vitro and in vivo measures of non-replicating rotavirus vaccine potencyVaccine 40(4):5069-5078 (2022)

Agarwal S, Hickey JM, Sahni N, Toth RT 4th, Robertson GA, Sitrin R, Cryz S, Joshi SB, Volkin DB. “Recombinant Subunit Rotavirus Trivalent Vaccine Candidate: Physicochemical Comparisons and Stability Evaluations of Three Protein AntigensJ. Pharm Sci. 109(1):380-393 (2020)

Agarwal S, Sahni N, Hickey JM, Robertson GA, Sitrin R, Cryz S, Joshi SB, Volkin DB “Characterizing and minimizing aggregation and particle formation of three recombinant fusion-protein bulk antigens for use in a candidate trivalent rotavirus vaccineJ. Pharm Sci. 109(1):394-406 (2020)

Agarwal S, Hickey JM, McAdams D, White JA, Sitrin R, Khandke L, Cryz S, Joshi SB, Volkin DB “Effect of aluminum adjuvant and preservatives on structural integrity and physicochemical stability profiles of three recombinant subunit rotavirus vaccine antigens.” J. Pharm Sci 109(1):476-487 (2020)