Traditional Vaccines

Kumar P, Holland DA, Secrist K, Taskar P, Dotson B, Saleh-Birdjandi S, Adewunmi Y, Doering J, Mantis NJ, Volkin DB, Joshi SB. "Evaluating the compatibility of three aluminum salt-adjuvanted recombinant protein antigens (trivalent NRRV) combined with a mock trivalent sabin-IPV vaccine: analytical and formulation challenges" Vaccines 12(10):102 (2024)

Kumar P, Holland DA, Secrist K, Taskar P, Dotson B, Saleh-Birdjandi S, Adewunmi Y, Doering J, Mantis NJ, Volkin DB, Joshi SB. "Evaluating the compatibility of new recombinant protein antigens (trivalent NRRV) with a mock pentavalent combination vaccine containing whole-cell pertussis: analytical and formulation challenges" Vaccines 12(6), 609(2024)

Kumar, P, Bird C, Holland D, Joshi SB, Volkin DB "Current and next-generation formulation strategies for inactivated polio vaccines to lower costs, increase coverage, and facilitate polio eradication" Hum Vaccin Immunother 18(7):2154100 (2022)

Pullagurla SR, Kumar P, Ogun O, Kumru OS, Hamidi A, Hoeksema F, Yallop C, Bines JE, Volkin DB, Joshi SB. “Modeling the long-term 2-8 °C stability profiles of a live, rotavirus vaccine candidate (RV3-BB) in various liquid formulations via extrapolations of real-time and accelerated stability dataBiologicals 75:21-28 Epub (2022)

Kumar P, Shukla R, Patel A, Pullagurla S, Bird C, Ogun O, Kumru OS, Hamidi A, Hoeksema F, Yallop C, Bines JE, Joshi SB, Volkin DB. “Formulation Development of a Live Attenuated Human Rotavirus (RV3-BB) Vaccine Candidate for use in Low and Middle-Income CountriesHuman Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics  17(7):2298-2310 (2021)

Kumar P, Pullagurla SR, Patel A, Shukla RS, Bird C, Kumru OS, Hamidi A, Hoeksema F, Yallop C, Bines JE, Joshi SB, Volkin DB.  “Effect of formulation variables on the stability of a live, rotavirus (RV3-BB) vaccine candidate using in vitro gastric digestion models to mimic oral deliveryJ Pharm Sci 110(2):760-770 (2021)

Hamidi A, Hoeksema F, Velthof P, Lemckert A, Gillissen G, Luitjens A, Bines JE, Pullagurla SR, Kumar P, Volkin DB, Joshi SB, Havenga M, Bakker WAM, Yallop C “Developing a manufacturing process to deliver a cost effective and stable liquid human rotavirus vaccineVaccine 39(15):2048-2059 (2021)

Wan Y, Gupta V, Bird C, Pullagurla S, Fahey P, Forster A, Volkin DB, Joshi SB. “Formulation Development and Improved Stability of a Combination Measles and Rubella Live-Viral Vaccine Dried for use in the NanopatchTM Microneedle Delivery SystemHuman Vaccines and Immuotherapeutics  17(8):2501-2516 (2021)